Week 14 Story: Dear Diary- Sita's Secrets

  Oh my goodness, I have never in my life met someone so awful and evil. Just talking about her makes my blood boil. I can't believe how I use to be best friends with her and how she would turn around and do all these awful things to me. What was I thinking? She knew I have liked Rama since the 6th grade and here she is falling in love with my childhood crush! Everyone knows that this is against girl code and cannot be done! She thought she could waltz on in with her perfect skin, nails and hair and have Rama immediately fall in love with her! I remember we were walking in the hallway like any other typical day since Rama's exile, when we saw a poor girl on the ground. Rama, Lakshama and I approached her cautiously. We did not know what was going on and we wanted to see if there was anything we could help with. Rama approached her and tried to help her up but I pulled his arm back after I saw it was her. We didn't know who it was at first and we were just trying to help. Now I am a very nice person but after everything she has done to me I really do not want anything to do with her. She immediately got up with her long shiny perfect hair and looked straight at Rama. Rama said something that I didn't hear and started to shake his head at her. Immediately her face dropped. I don't know what Rama said but whatever it was really shocked her! She then looked straight at me with such an evil look. Thinking back just makes my blood boil! I stood there next to Rama confused and thinking to myself "What in the word is going on?" It didn't take much to put the pieces together to figure out what had been said! I held my composure and didn't start screaming in the middle of the hallway but I was livid to say the least. I don't know what happened to Surpanakha and who she thinks she is. She at one point was the greatest friend a girl could have and was always there for you. I know what she is doing and she needs to stop coming after my man and really needs to just stay away! If I ever see here again I can't promise I will be able to keep it together! I've had enough of her and cannot take it anymore with her games! 

                                                                           Sita: Wikipedia

Author's Note

I wrote a short story in a novel style about Sita. I used Surpanakha and how she tried to steal Rama in my story. This novel really lets the reader see exactly how Sita feels and her thoughts. The reader can see that Sita cares a lot about Rama. Sita's thoughts are my own but I tried to make it evident to the reader just how manipulative Surpanakha is. In my revision I added a few more details were a could as well as some dialogue. I reread the story to make sure it flows and things make sense. 


  1. Hey Sarah,
    I really enjoyed this story! I loved how you made Sita and Surpanakha friends . The betrayal seems so real! I could really feel the rage inside Sita. I also liked the novel style of storytelling. Your author's note was very clear and precise. The story flowed very well. Good job!

  2. Hi Sarah,
    I loved the story you wrote! I really enjoyed how it was written from Sita's point of view and we got to hear a lot of her internal monologue. I also enjoyed how you made the story a more modern retelling. I think I would also be as annoyed as Sita if someone was constantly flirting with my partner or someone I was talking to.

  3. Hi again Sarah,
    This might be the first story I've read that involves the entire story inside of the main characters head/point of view. What I enjoyed about this is that you made the story really relatable with a the reader. I mean this with the aspect of how your wrote it, and also with the modern day problems that Sita is going through.

  4. Hey Sarah,
    I'm from Myth and Folklore, but wanted to check out some blogs here. Oh wow, cat fight! lol. Why did I read this in a snooki voice? Great tale that was able to convey some drama that we've all probably seen a time or two, but it's funny to see it play out with characters from Indian epics! Maybe it's just y'alls reading selection or chance, but every Indian epics story I've come across seems to be some really juicy family or friend related drama! Grammar and word choice looks good and the flow is great. Great little tale!

  5. Hi Sarah! Great story! This is a very unique twist! I enjoyed how it was written from Sita's point of view. That was very creative. Your story flowed well. You had a very detailed Author's Note which I appreciated! Keep up the great work! Your writing is awesome!


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