Florida- My Favorite Place ❤

 My favorite place by far is the gorgeous state of Florida. Hearing the word "Florida" brings back so many memories that rush through my mind. My family and I moved from Oklahoma to St. Augustine, Florida when I was in the 2nd grade and we lived there for roughly 2 years. My best memories occurred in those 2 years. I was deeply saddened when my family and I ended up moving back to Oklahoma, but to this day I always talk about how I wished we stayed and all the fun memories we had there. My family and I have gone back a number of times and visited all our previous normal spots we would visit when we lived there. We still have family that live in Florida.  Florida is and will always be one of my favorite places and has a special place in my heart!❤

Flicker: Florida Sky

Flicker: Florida Palm Trees


  1. Hey Sarah! I am sorry you were not able to keep living in your favorite state, but I am glad you at least got to make some good memories there! I have been to Florida once to see Disney World (basic, I know), and my dad recently moved there to start a new job. I don't know how long he will stay there, but if it was not for the pandemic I probably would have visited him already and seen more of the non-touristy side of the state!


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