Week 2 Reading Overview
The Ramayana that I ended up choosing is the first option that is new this semester which is the Tiny Tales from the Ramayana. The reasoning behind my choice is mainly because out of the three choices only this option and another option have an audio version. I personally listening to an audiobook and I know I will use this option. Aside from the fact there is audio, I ended up choosing this option because it includes more variation and backstory than the other options. One of the two comic books I am interested in is Sudama: The Power of True Friendship. The reason I chose this is mainly because of the title. I personally believe that finding a true friend is a powerful thing and is something that is a hard thing no a days. I definitely do not take my true friends for granted and am grateful for such a great friendship. The next comic book I chose was Krishna and Narakasura: Confidence Versus Arrogance. My reasoning behind my choice is the title was what really got me interested. My goal this year is to be more confident in everyday life and seeing the word confidence really was what pushed me to choose it. The first video I chose was Ancient Technology: Atlantis and India. I know that technology is always evolving and I was curious to know what ancient technology was like in those times. The next video I chose was The Stages of Life. My reasoning behind this was because I was curious to know what the Hindu philosophy stages of life was in comparison to what I am familiar as the stages of life.
I chose image below because of the colors and the gold arch in the photo. It really got my attention and I love the flowers wrapped around the statues shoulders.
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