Week 8 Progress

 I am on track with where I want to be in the class. I am pretty happy on my progress so far. I do wish that I was able to work ahead a bit more to be ahead on some of the assignments. I am most proud of staying somewhat on schedule even though my schedule this semester has been pretty hectic. I think I could improve my routine and be a little more on top of things. I really enjoy assignments in which we comment on other classmates blogs because I feel like you are able to somewhat have a conversation and learn something about someone even though it is an online class. I am using as many of the extra credit options that I can to help get the most points. Things have gone pretty good as far as my blog and building my website. Like I said before, the only change I would make is to try and get ahead on work a bit more. This way if I am overwhelmed and extremely busy one day it'll be okay since I have worked ahead. 

Motivation: Flickr


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