Reading Notes: Tales of India

 I chose to read the Sacred Tales of India by D. N. Neogi. I have attached my notes below....

The sun's two sons

  • story is about Jokai who is young and unmarried 
  • King wanted rice patties but it was raining outside and they would not dry by the time it was his ceromony
  • King knew that Jokai had the power to tell the sun to dry them
  • He called jokai for help
  • Jokai was in brahman caste
  • Jokai said the shine would shine the next day
  • she prayed to the god daily and was fully devoted to him. She was worried though that prayer would not suffice and that he would want something more tempting
  • she offered the god herself in return that he would shine the next day. he could not resist and agreed
  • he shone oh so bright the next day and loaded Jokai with gifts
  • he decided to marry her spirit. The people began to talk terrible thing about her
  • she had birthed two sons and she hid them and went to the castle
  • The king sent messengers to her house to see if she had concealed children
  • The messengers did not see anything and left. The boys made this tree their forever home

Bibliography.  Sacred Tales of India. D. N. Neogi. The Sun's Twin Sons. Part C

(Sun: Link)


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